Translation AI for African languages

Easily translate and localize your web content, customer service, education resources, product experiences and much more with Batazia's African Language AI


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Translation solutions for Africa

Tools to bridge language barriers in Africa

Whether it's a major African translation project, converting a text document on the go, or localizing your digital product for Africa, Batazia provides you with the tools to do it with ease and accuracy.

Quick translations

Translate texts on the fly

Translate pieces of text quickly when you're composing emails, communicating with local connections or you need to understand African texts. Do it on-the-go with the mobile app or on your browser.

Documents & files

Convert documents to African languages

Make your files available in multiple African languages in a fraction of time. From Word, to PDF and Txt-files. With the document translator you can quickly convert them from and to the available African languages you need.

Product localisation

Make your apps multilingual

Optimally engage your African audiences by providing your digital products and services in their native languages. Use Batazia to enable automatic translation and multilingual support functionalities in your applications and products.

Coming soon

Pan African languages

Enabling Africa's native languages for digital

Access already over 15 widely spoken languages in Africa, which give you access to over 250 million native speakers. With languages such as Swahili, Yoruba, Twi, Zulu and others currently available, and many more being added continually until all of Africa's languages are covered.



African languages available already for you to translate



Native speakers who can potentially be reached.



African countries wherein the languages are spoken.

Try Batazia translation

Start translating with Batazia

You can access Batazia's translation portal right now to see how it works for yourself. It's available for free, or you can upgrade if you want to use it more heavily and access more features.


Batazia brings a world of books, stories and learning into African languages, and gives you indigenous literature in the language you speak.

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